Craving Crusher Action Guide Review

Craving Crusher Action GuideThe Craving Crusher Action Guide is a step-by-step plan for overcoming overeating and food addictions. Designed by Dr Jonny Bowden, it was part of his Unleash Your Thin diet program.

But why would you need the Craving Crusher Action Guide if you can just follow the diet, and does it work? Let’s take a look.

What’s In The Craving Crusher Action Guide?

Jonny Bowden based the Cravings Crusher Guide on the steps that he himself took to successfully quit not only food cravings but other addictions that he’d suffered from earlier in his life.
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The Best Low Carb Sweetener

Coffee and sweetener
If you’re on a low carb diet and you can’t give up sweet coffee or desserts, you’re going to need low carb sweeteners. There are plenty of sugar substitutes on the market, but some of them fit better than others into a low carbohydrate diet. In this post we’ll look at the most popular natural and artificial sweeteners so that you can choose the one that will work best for you.
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Unleash Your Thin Diet: 3 Months In

Tape measure

After 3 months I’m still here! Still following the plan (though I’ve wobbled a bit in the last month – more on that in a moment), still with tons of energy and feeling much slimmer and healthier.

Here are my 3 month results:

May 24th, 2013

Weight: lost 20 lb in 3 months
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Is There A Healthy Low Carb Diet?

Girl eating tomatoes

If you’re looking for a healthy low carb diet, you’ve come to the right place. You can certainly lose a lot of weight low carbing and stay healthy too.

Low carb diets have had a bad press in the last few years, but new research is coming out that shows they are exactly what our bodies were designed to consume. Continue reading

Unleash Your Thin Diet: What I Eat (Wk 8)

Woman with vegetablesThis week, along with posting my results below, I’m going to write about what I eat on the Unleash Your Thin diet. What I love about this plan is that it’s low carb, which feels exactly right for my body just now, but it’s so much easier than diets like Atkins that have you counting carbs or whatever. It’s just so much more flexible.
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