Metabolic Renewal Review

Metabolic Renewal is a unique weight loss program for women, designed to suit your individual hormonal requirements. With this plan, they claim you get to create a diet, exercise and lifestyle plan that suits YOU.

Does this work for all women, and more importantly, will it work for you? In this Metabolic Renewal review, we’ll take a closer look to see exactly what you get in the plan, how it works, who it’s right for, and who it’s not right for.

Women, click here to see if it will work for you

For men, we recommend Metabolic Aftershock instead.

What is Metabolic Renewal?

Metabolic Renewal - what's in the box

What’s in the box

Metabolic Renewal is a holistic approach to losing weight, designed especially for women. You follow a slightly different plan according to your stage of life and hormonal profile, which is easily figured out using an online questionnaire.

Metabolic Renewal is a 12-week program that integrates the diet, exercise, and lifestyle plans recommended and customized according to your profile. If you need longer to reach your goal weight and shape, you simply repeat the program, increasing the intensity of the exercises if you wish.

Jade Teta photo

Dr Jade Teta

You’ll get the Metabolic Renewal Roadmap containing the flexible diet plan, including recipes. You also get a DVD of graded exercises to do for just 15 minutes, 3 times a week. You can adapt these to suit your individual needs.

The plan is designed to help you lose fat fast by combining short, intense bursts of exercise with a protein-based eating program that doesn’t involve counting calories or going hungry. It was developed by integrative physician Dr Jade Teta, who also designed Metabolic Aftershock.

What’s in the box?

Metabolic Renewal quick start guide

Inside Metabolic Renewal you get:

1. Quick Start Guide

A two-page summary of the program

2. Exercise Videos on DVD or online

All of the 15-minute workouts for the 4 phases of the 12-week plan, at different levels according to your current fitness. These come on 4 DVDs for you to play on your TV or computer, or you can access them online.
Dr Jade Teta is your coach and his students demonstrate the different levels for each exercise. According to Dr Jade, all of the exercises can be done at home, with no special equipment (unless you are at a higher level of fitness where you might want to use weights). They are very quick (three 15-minute sessions a WEEK), so you can easily fit it into your schedule.

3. Metabolic Renewal Roadmap

Metabolic Renewal RoadmapA 204-page book covering:

– how Metabolic Renewal works
– hormones and metabolism
– meals, mindset, and movement
– how to get started
– how to accelerate your weight loss

The book also includes the 12-week Metabolic Meal Plan with all the recipes you need. But you don’t have to follow the meal plan exactly. If you prefer, you make your own meals, following the suggested guidelines. (That’s what I do.)
Metabolic Renewal tracker
4. Transformation Tracker booklet

A 30-page booklet for you to track your progress in many different areas including weight, vitality, body shape and much more.

When you order the physical version, all of this comes in a well-designed box where you can keep everything together.

The plan is also available in a downloadable version, which saves you the shipping cost. And if you order the printed pack, you also get the downloadable version for free, instantly. This means you can access the videos online without waiting for everything to arrive in the mail. But it’s pretty good to hold everything in your hands, so if you live in North America where shipping is cheap, I recommend getting the physical copy too.

So here’s what you’re wanting to know from this Metabolic Renewal review:

Does Metabolic Renewal work?

You’ll see testimonials on the live site (click here to see them now), but the exercise element of Metabolic Renewal is based on Jade Teta’s previous Metabolic Prime and Metabolic Aftershock fitness videos. So all of the principles have been tested there.

I’ve been in Facebook groups with the people following those plans, as well as trying them myself. What I can say is that the approach works if you stick to it.

As with Metabolic Aftershock, you’re likely to get the most benefit if you’re either overweight or ‘skinny fat’ (‘skinny fat’ means within the healthy BMI range, but flabby and unfit). If you’re significantly overweight, you’ll probably need to take it slow with the exercise at first, but you can get huge benefits if you persist.

It’s fine to take it slow and do just what you can. Jade Teta stresses this all through the videos. When he says 10 repetitions of something, you can do 5, or just one.

The people who had problems with it were mostly either too disabled to do any exercise at all, or so fit already that the exercises did nothing for them–or so they said. I did find this a little hard to believe! The exercises are graded, and to me, you’d have to be a real gym bunny to feel no benefit at all from the highest grade in the videos.

The lowest grade stretched me at first, but I was pretty unfit. If you have any issues such as knee problems, you can either change out the exercises that don’t suit you, skip some repetitions, or do a lesser version (like stepping instead of jumping).

It’s important to rest when you need to, and don’t do the exercises too often. This is because muscle development actually happens when you rest, not when you exercise.

And of course, check with your doctor before starting any program, especially if you have medical issues.

Who can benefit from Metabolic Renewal

First, this program is especially designed for women. You’ll only be helped by all the references to hormone levels if you’re female (of any age).

It’s designed for women of all ages, including before, during, and after the menopause. There are slightly different plans for these different stages, and some tweaking for different hormonal types of younger women.

Metabolic Renewal DVD caseOf course, you’ll get most out of Jade Teta’s Metabolic Renewal program if you want to lose fat and tone up your body.

The short bursts of exercise recommended here are perfect for women with busy schedules or those who dislike exercise and get bored quickly.

You may need to tweak a few things. For example, I was flicking through the Metabolic Renewal Roadmap and saw a recommendation for post-menopausal women to walk 4 hours a day! I thought–eek! That may work if you’re retired, but nobody with a job could do it! However, it does include ALL kinds of walking that you do during the day, including cleaning the house or walking to the photocopier at work.

I think it’s better to look at it in terms of steps. The program recommends 5,000 to 20,000 steps a day (around 1 to 4 hours if you did all the steps at once, but nobody does.) If you get a step counter, you can easily track this, and you’ll likely be surprised how much you already do.

Who will not benefit from the program

This plan is not designed for men. So if you’re male, I recommend Metabolic Aftershock.

For women who own Metabolic Aftershock and are doing fine with the exercises and diet plan there, you probably don’t need this. You might want to get it anyway for the hormonal aspect or to motivate yourself to follow the program more exactly, but I think you’ll find it follows the same basic plan, which works very well.

If you already do a lot of exercise, and you like working out at the gym, you may find these exercises unnecessary. You might still want to get it for the diet plan, however.

If you can’t or don’t want to move your body at all, I’d recommend getting The Metabolic Factor instead. With Metabolic Renewal, you do need to be prepared to at least stand and move around a little for the 15 minute sessions.

If you’re currently pregnant and don’t already do a lot of exercise, you can benefit from the other portions of this program, but save the exercise element for after you’ve given birth and are ready to get rid of that baby-belly.

Cost, access, and where to buy Metabolic Renewal

Metabolic Renewal is not available in stores. You need to click here to get it.

You don’t have to watch a seemingly endless video if you use that link. It will take you to a simple page where you can see all the details and order if you decide you want it.

If you get the 60% launch discount, the cost at the time of writing is just $37, plus shipping and handling if you want everything delivered to your home. You get the online version either way.

There’s a full 90 day money back guarantee, so you can return it for a refund (less shipping) if you’re not satisfied.

Metabolic Renewal review summary

With Metabolic Renewal, you’ll have a plan to suit your own body and lifestyle, instead of trying to squeeze into a “one size fits all” program.

It’s the first science-based, metabolism-restoring program designed to use your natural female hormonal patterns to create a fat-burning, body-sculpting powerhouse. It’s designed for adult women of all ages, at all stages of our female life cycle.

All of the details are on the page at the link below.
Click through to find out all about Metabolic Renewal, including feedback from other customers.

>>> Click here to burn belly fat and get a sexy body the easy way
with Metabolic Renewal (official website) <<<

Metabolic Renewal - what's in the box

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192 comments on “Metabolic Renewal Review

  1. Annette

    I am 58 and I with menopause came weight gain and muffin top. My usual work out did nothing, I was frustrated.
    I came across Metabolic Renewal and it made sense.
    It was a game changer. It made a difference and I have seen the results, not only body but energy and especially my metabolism.
    I recommend this work out.

  2. Kim

    I have had an endometrial ablation so I do not have a period anymore. The quiz does not have a question that pertains to my condition. I am in think that I am starting menopause. Do I answer the question I don’t have a. Anymore or two I answered the question I’ve had a partial home hysterectomy because my ovary still work?

  3. Bibi

    I filled out the quiz and it place me as #6. Is this a one time cost for the DVD and Online service or am I committing to several level with additional cost?

    1. Rosemary Post author

      Hi, it is a one time cost. They will offer you other stuff afterward, but you don’t need to order any of it.


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